
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Long Term Lessons

So often as parents, we are teaching long term lessons to our children and we're never certain how much they're actually absorbing at any given moment. But then, when we see glimpses of what is taking hold, that what we're doing is actually making an impact...those moments are golden and so worth the struggle.

Obviously, at two years old, we will be working on manners for quite a while. We already have been for some time now and our Munchkin is pretty good about following our prompts and knowing what to say when we remind him. As we fully enter the phase of "That's Mine!" it will be even more important to guide him in learning these lessons but probably also more challenging.

But yesterday (July 26), I had one of those moments, those glimpses, that show what is truly taking root. It was unexpected and beautiful. It was an unsolicited statement with no reminders or prompting.

"Thank you, Mama."

Melt my heart. No matter how many times I've had to repeat myself in asking him to use his manners or ask nicely, hearing those words spontaneously makes it all worth it.

Joanna Gaines, amazing co-star of the fabulous show "Fixer Upper" on HGTV, recently posted an image and caption that went viral addressing this same sentiment. Take a minute to read it (if you haven't seen it already) and allow it to encourage you.

There's an Adonis blue butterfly bush I had planted by the girl's window almost five years ago when we were renovating the farmhouse. I wanted butterflies by the girl's windows that they could see and enjoy. I never told them about the bush and honestly I forgot about it over the years. This morning I found my little Emmie sitting by her window looking excitedly at the bush and saying "Here she is! My little hummingbird comes every morning mom!" First, I didn't know she looked out for her bird every morning. Second, I forgot all about the bush and never told her if she looked out the window she would see the prettiest butterflies and hummingbirds gathered around it. It's hard not to think this is a lot like parenting... You sow seeds early on and work hard to be intentional and then over time you move on to new lessons and challenges. Then one day you look up and the seeds you planted in your little children's hearts are now in full bloom. Be encouraged today to keep pressing in and tending to their hearts. It will be worth it.
A photo posted by Joanna Stevens Gaines (@joannagaines) on

So keep pouring into those babies, mommas! The harvest may be far off but it will be worth it!

Soli Deo Gloria,

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