
Sunday, April 14, 2019


So...I wonder how big of a laugh God had when, after my surgeries in February, I told my husband that I didn't want to see the inside of a hospital for a very long time…

I know I haven't updated you all on how those surgeries went and I'm sorry. I lost basically the whole month of February with the surgeries and then we kicked the move prep into high gear in March. But it looks like that statement to Dan is coming back to taunt me.

Monday night, April 1st, I experienced what seemed to be excruciating back and rib pain. Having had back spasms before, I immediately called my chiropractor Tuesday morning to get in to see him. After my adjustment, I figured everything would settle down, right? Right?!

But no. Tuesday night saw me literally crying out in pain, which now seemed to be in my ribs and belly. Wednesday wasn't much better, so off to to doctor's office I went on Thursday (for this and a sinus infection to boot!). By this point, the pain seemed to be localized near my stomach. The PA ordered some labs and suggested I try zantac and see if that helped with the stomach pain.

Friday, they called with the results. Labs all looked normal, nothing concerning. At Dan's prodding, I asked the nurse if the issue might be my gallbladder. After talking to the PA, they admitted there was that possibility so the PA ordered a full abdominal ultrasound for Monday the 8th, a week after the pain started.

I'm not that great at reading ultrasounds but, when I could see the screen, even I thought something didn't look right with my gallbladder. My suspicions were confirmed when they called a couple hours later to say that I had an inflamed gallbladder with stones. Lucky me… :P

A quick consult with the surgeon that afternoon and we were scheduling surgery. Unfortunately, because I am still on antibiotics for the sinus infection, we have to delay surgery until after I'm finished with those. So it's slated for 11am on Tuesday, April 16th.

Now, we prepare for my third surgery in less than 3 months. This is definitely not how I'd planned to be spending my time (especially with our upcoming move!) but I keep reminding myself of this truth: this did not catch God by surprise. As much as I don't want to be going back, I know God knew I would be and so He provided for our needs. He's given us a wonderful support structure and amazing friends. While I'm not enthusiastic about the situation, I can still have peace, the peace that comes from being held and known by my Father. And that's more than enough.

Soli Deo Gloria,

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