
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Nothing Like Girlfriends!

After my stint as a film star for TrueU, I got the chance to see some friends in Colorado before heading off to a girls' weekend with some of my best girlfriends. :)

I made the drive down to Colorado Springs to visit the staff at the Focus Leadership Institute. It was a great time of catching up with friends and getting to sit in on one of the new classes they've added since I attended.

Man, I love this view! :)
Then, a short flight to Dallas later, it was reunion time with my roommates from FLI! :D

We were excited to celebrate our friend, Alisha, surviving the Texas Bar Exam but it was also a good excuse to see each other all together for the first time in 1.5 years. The last time we'd been in the same place was for Danielle's wedding in California in July 2011.

One of the best things about having these ladies as such good friends is that we pick up pretty much where we left off last time. We stayed up until 2:30 in the morning our first night together chatting and catching up. It felt good to pick up right where we had left off. From fields of daffodils and homemade Texas brisket to fire alarms and late night "interruptions" it was an unforgettable time.

The weekend was refreshing for me on so many levels. It is always nice to have a weekend away and especially to reconnect with old friends. However, with the move, I've felt slightly burned out with making new friends. I know it's part of moving to a totally new location but it takes a lot of energy, especially for an introvert, and sometimes you just want to go "where everybody knows your name" (to borrow from Cheers).

And these girls?
Yep, they totally know my name...and my hangups...and my dreams. We've been through a lot together in the 5 years since we met. I'm so glad I get to call them friends and I can't wait until our next awesome-ness filled reunion! :) Love you, ladies!

Soli Deo Gloria,

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