
Friday, August 26, 2011

Session One!

Session one is now done! It was an absolutely fabulous start to everything! We started off in song with the worship team. I recognized two songs from their CD but one was new so it was a nice mix.
Then Sheila Walsh took the stage, speaking on God's promises. Two sound bites/quotes for you: "You have not lived an unloved moment in your life." And "When the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, you will change." She talked about the woman with the blood issue in Mark 5 & how Jesus wanted to give her a bigger miracle than she came for. When she comes forward & tells Him the whole truth, Jesus gives her a greater gift than her healing by calling her "daughter" (ONLY time he calls an single woman this) & telling her to "go in peace".
Then Dr. Henry Cloud discussed some content of his new book "The Law of Happiness". The 2 attributes of happy people he discussed were happy people are givers & happy people are connected people.
No more space left :( On to Session 2!

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